She was named Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine in 2011. She continues to grace the airwaves, interwebs, magazines and tv shows with her beauty and power. From her flawless skin, to her curvaceous athletic figure, she continues to defy the odds, defy aging – heck, she defies gravity! So what exactly does it mean to have that J. Lo Glow?

To me, the J. Lo Glow is all about:
- seizing the moment, here and now
- living a life with passion, love and strength
- walking this earth so comfortable in your own skin
- owning your heritage with pride

- loving your body and expressing that through movement you love
- honoring your body like it’s your treasure
- pushing the envelope and expressing your artistry
- redefining what is beautiful, be that curvy, athletic, 50 or a representation of your roots

- smiling at the haters
- flashing a “peek” of what you’re working with
- upgrading and up-leveling your life by challenging yourself to grow
- dancing with swagger

- knowing who you are
- prioritizing yourself
- persevering despite critics telling you “you can’t or you’re not good enough”
- being known for your craft and defining yourself as multi-talented, a triple threat

- taking a risk with fashion, career and in love
- saying NO to drama vibes
- leading with love
- allowing others to support you and surrounding yourself with people who want you to shine

That J. Lo Glow is coveted. Even just following one of these tenets is so powerful! What can you take from these observations? Drop in the comments below what’s one way you can cultivate your own glow!